BetaFPV F4 1S 5A AIO Brushless FC Frskyバージョン

BetaFPV F4 1S


BetaFPV F4 1S 5A AIO Brushless FC Frskyバージョン

超軽量の F4 1S 5A AIO ブラシレス フライト コントローラーが、新しくアップグレードされた機能を備えて再入荷しました。高品質の BMI270 ジャイロと BB51 ESC ハードウェアで FC を更新しました。さらに、この新しいボードは Betaflight Blackbox 機能をサポートしています。

CPU: STM32F411CEU6 (100MHZ)
内蔵受信機:SPI CC2500 (Frsky)
取り付け穴のサイズ: 26*26mm
ファームウェアバージョン: betaflight_4.2.11_BETAFPVF411RX (Frsky)
OSD: ビルトイン BetaFlight OSD
ブラックボックス: 8MB
VTX をお勧めします: >=200mW のようにBETAFPV M03 350mW VTXまた TBSユニファイVTX
電源ケーブル: 55mm、BT2.0コネクタ付き
重量: 3.6g(ELRS)/3.7g(Frsky)、電源ケーブルと BT2.0 コネクタを除く

電流: 5A 連続およびピーク 6A (3 秒)
ESC ファームウェア: BB51 BLHeli_S ハードウェア用の A_X_5_.HEX
信号サポート: D-shot150、D-shot300、D-shot600、Oneshot125、Multishot、PWM


Below is the diagram for SPI Frsky RX.

SPI Frsky RX

Come with the built-in SPI Frsky Receiver (CC2500 chip), F4 1S 5A AIO FC can be compatible with Futaba S-FHSS, Frsky D8, and D16 protocol. The default protocol is configured to Frsky D16 FCC out of the factory. Pilots could set up the protocol according to your own need in Betaflight Configurator.

Configuration Protocol

FRSKY_D Frsky D8

FRSKY_X Frsky D16 FCC (ACCST 1.X version)

FRSKY_X_LBT Frsky D16 LBT (ACCST 1.X version)


Betaflight Firmware and CLI

F4 1S 5A AIO Brushless Flight Controller comes with the default firmware betaflight_4.3.0_BETAFPVF411 (ELRS) or betaflight_4.2.11_BETAFPVF411RX (Frsky). The default firmware for Serial ExpressLRS 2.4G RX version supports ELRS V2.4 RX.

Pay attention, For the Serial ExpressLRS 2.4G version, ONLY the Betaflight firmware 4.3.0 and up start to support this BMI270 gyro. For the SPI Frsky version, DO NOT flash the other firmware, otherwise, the RX will be lost in control at a very close range. We have already built our own firmware betaflight_4.2.11_BETAFPVF411RX for SPI Frsky RX version to support BMI270 gyro. Please check the below link to download the firmware.

Download the firmware and CLI dump file for the F4 1S 5A FC ELRS/Frsky board.

Note: The RX RSSI values drop when the flight controller is installed on the quadcopter with HD digital VTX (Walksnail or HDZero). For example, the theoretical failsafe RSSI values for 250Hz packet rate are -108dBm. Actually, the RX will be possibly lost in control when the RX RSSI values reach about -92dBm.

Bluejay ESC Firmware

F4 1S 5A flight controller with BB51 ESC hardware could flash the Bluejay ESC firmware now, which is based on BLHeli_S revision 16.7. With Bluejay ESC firmware, it supports bidirectional D-shot and RPM filtering in Betaflight, offers 24KHz, 48KHz, and 96KHz fixed PWM frequency for options, and custom start-up melodies. By using Bluejay ESC firmware on Meteor65 and Meteor65 Pro whoop drones with 0802SE 19500KV motors, the flight time is increasing effectively. The default firmware for F4 1S 5A FC will be changed to Bluejay ESC firmware.

For pilots who want to flash Bluejay ESC firmware for F4 1S 5A FC, please use the BLHeliSuite16714902A_Beta or ESC-Configurator and download Bluejay ESC firmware A_X_5_.HEX from the below links.


Download BLHeliSuite16714902A_Beta here.

Download the Bluejay ESC firmware. Please choose A_X_5.HEX.

Note: Only SPI ELRS 2.4G version supports motor direction set through Betaflight Configurator and SPI Frsky version does not support it. BLHeli Configurator and Bluejay Configurator are invalid for the BB51 ESC (both versions).

Connecting External RX/HD Digital or Analog VTX

Both Serial ExpressLRS 2.4G RX and SPI Frsky RX version support external HD digital VTX or Analog VTX. Please note that the SPI Frsky RX version reserves an SBUS port and a UART port, which is available for the SBUS protocol receiver or other external receivers. You can refer to the below picture.

Recommend Parts

Battery: BT2.0 300mAh 1S Battery

Frame: Meteor65 frame / Meteor75 frame

Props: 31mm 4-Blades props (for 65mm frame) / 40mm 4-blades props (for 75mm frame)

Motors: 0603 motors / 0703 motors / 0802 motors

VTX: M03 25-350mW VTX


1 * F4 1S 5A AIO Brushless Flight Controller (SFHSS)

4 * M1.2x4mm Screws

4 * M1.4x5mm Screws

4 * Anti-vibration Rubber Dampers



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